Not Every Celebrity Supports These ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests

As predictably as ever, many elite celebrities threw their support behind Saturday’s March for Our Lives protests across the country.

Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Cher, and plenty of others flew into D.C., raring to join in on the rallies for gun control.

“So ready to March today! Landed in DC w North & Kanye. We stand in solidarity with the survivors of gun violence & students who are calling for action on common sense gun safety laws at #MarchForOurLives around the country,” tweeted reality star Kardashian after arriving in D.C.

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2 Thoughts to “Not Every Celebrity Supports These ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests”

  1. Randall

    I’m waiting for the Youth to march against Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs.

  2. Bob

    Civil war is much needed in this country.
